How'd Nick Airball Really Make All His Money?

And about as much degen as we could pack into one episode

Hey fellow gambler,

I know what you’re thinking. Where’s my Saturday morning hit of dopamine? Well thirst no longer! We’ve got your fix.

But first! A word from the folks who help us keep the dealers tipped and the rake paid:

Gauntlet is a data science and research company that manages risk for the big boy crypto companies (think Uniswap). Now they’ve gotten into the DeFi Vault curation business. If you’ve been living under a rock, decentralized finance is the ability to lend out your crypto through a smart contract instead of letting someone hold your actual coins.

It doesn’t come without risk (what yield ever does) but I personally trust Gauntlet to program the algorithmic smart contracts in such a way that I’m going to get the best return with the lowest risk on my stablecoins without giving up ownership of my private keys. Seriously, I’ve got 100% of my USDT inside the USDT Prime Vault earning 8.48% APY right now

Anyways, do your own research, then check out the Vaults (they’ve got 15 of them with different assets managing $115 Million of risk as of this writing). Alright on to the show:

Episode 47 - Nik "Airball" Arcot

Not many people know the whole story behind "investment banking trust fund kid" Nik Arcot. The truth is a rollercoaster ride that you might not be ready for. He tells us everything. From quitting investment banking to crafting a persona for high stakes poker games. To making sure he isn't playing a zero-sum game with others at the table. As always, crack a cold one and enjoy.

👇 Enjoy episode 47 of the Table 1 Podcast with Nik Airball

See our ugly mugs (Youtube): Click Here

Hear our angelic voices (Spotify): Click Here

Timestamps worth checking out:


-Art and Justin

BTW- Check out to play with us at Table 1!