PLO Tournament GOD Tells All

Online Poker At 13, AI Tools & Crushing Shaun Deeb

Here’s a story you didn’t know: Dylan Weisman was 13 years old when he first picked up a computer mouse and started grinding online! He built his bankroll without ever depositing a single dollar (fuck him right?). But he put in the work playing freerolls on his dad’s account to build up. By the time he turned 21 though he lost his interest in the game and pursued a life in tech.

But as poker does to all who hear its call…

Dylan came back 6 years later and began an epic sun-run that’s still ongoing. So cross those legs, close those eyes & Acro-Yoga your way through this episode. And listen to this eclectic Poker Champion take you along for an amazing ride through his story.

👇 Enjoy episode 44 of the Table 1 Podcast with Dylan Weisman

Youtube: Click Here

Spotify: Click Here

Oh and by the way, we took some shit for promoting this last week (mostly from some butt-hurt investors who got rugged in FTX or Celsius or some other Centralized bullshit scam). But we did our research: If you’ve got crypto just sitting in your crypto wallet, not earning interest…you probably haven’t heard of They’re a billion dollar company that manages risk for huge crypto platforms like Uniswap. 

And now they’re curating DeFi* crypto vaults for anyone. Don’t let your crypto sit under a digital mattress. Earn some interest and Let your crypto work for you (Do your own research, duh!)

*DeFi Means they don’t control your coins. Your keys, your coins. This is an algorithmically controlled borrowing platform. (You won’t get rugged like FTX & other CeFi platforms)


-Art and Justin for information about the game