Early Podcast Release! (Subscribers Only)

Joe Cheong - 7-Figs Down & 8-Figs UP

Good Morning Fellow Degen!

We’ve decided to reward our faithful followers with a little something special this week. Typically our podcasts drop on Saturdays…But you’re special. You care enough to give us unbridled access to your inbox. We respect that.

Every piece of content we drop is meant to make you smile. So we hope that this one-day-early release (for T1 newsletter subscribers only) will do that.

👇 Enjoy episode 41 of the Table 1 Podcast with Joe Cheong

Youtube: Click Here

Spotify: (coming soon)

By the way, want to get a free Table 1 Mindset Coin? It could save you $100,000+ in tilt avoidance at the poker table! (plus it’s lucky)

All you’ve got to do to earn one is refer 10 friends’ email addresses to this newsletter. Easy right? Check it out here:


-Art and Justin

www.table1.vegas for information about the game

Sign up for the Phenom Poker Online Poker Waiting List: https://phenompoker.com/?r=Table1