(super seriously!)

Hey Fellow Degen,

Art & Justin here, ready to shake things up with a fun throwback challenge! 🚀

We’re going old school with something I bet you haven’t seen in a while—a chain letter. Yup, that’s right! Remember those letters that promised good fortune if you kept the chain going and maybe a little mischief if you didn’t? Well, we’re bringing that vibe back, but with a Table 1 twist.

This isn’t about any bad luck or your crush not calling back. Nope, this is all about sharing the love, spreading the word, and growing our amazing Table 1 community. And trust me, there are some sweet rewards waiting for you.

Here’s How It Works (It’s as Easy as 1-2-3):

1. Forward this email to 3 poker-loving friends who could use a little more Table 1 in their life.

2. Do it here:

3. Then you’re on the path to unlocking not 1, not 2, but 3 awesome rewards! All you need is 3 referrals.

What’s in It for You?

Here’s a little teaser: 3 friends, 3 rewards. But it’s a chain letter after all. You’ll just have to trust us that you’ll get some good shit. So pass it on, share the excitement, and let’s see how big we can grow this Table 1 family.

Oh, and just to keep things interesting: If you don’t forward this email, we can guarantee a nasty string of bad beats coming your way (okay, maybe not, but why risk it? 😜)

So what are you waiting for? Forward this email, get those 3 friends on board, and start racking up your rewards. Let’s make this the biggest chain Table 1 has ever seen!

See you at the top,

Art & Justin